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QR It Commands

Command Output Permison
qrcode [link] generates a qr code [none]
qrdecode [Attach/upload QR code] decodes the uploaded QR code, Must be PNG, JPG, JPEG or GIF [none]
qrshorturl [link] shortens a long link [none]
qrnpm [package name] Retrieves information about a NPM package [none]
qrhastebin [text/code] Puts all the provided text/code in a web document and sends you a link [none]
qrreport users can send a bug report to the bot dev [none]
qrsuggest users can send suggestions to the bot dev or ask for new features [none]
qrsinvite generates an invite link and qr code for you're server/guild [none]
qrbinvite generates an invite link and qr code for this bot [none]
qrsupport generates an invite link and qr code the bots official support server [none]
qrvote you can suppot this bot by voting for it [none]
qrnews tells you the latest news and updated features for this bot [none]
qrhelp shows you a list of all the commands [none]
qrhelp [command] shows you info about command and how to use it [none]
qrstats sends basic information about the bot, uptime, users, servers, version etc [none]
qrping shows you the Bot and API ping [none]
qrreload [command] reloads specified command [Bot Owner]
qrreboot restarts the bot [Bot Owner]
qreval [code] command for testing code [Bot Owner]